20 Million Dollars in Real Estate
Our lowest elevation at Guildford Way is about 82 feet and our highest elevation at Rambler Way is about 182 feet, 100 feet higher, yet the strata corporation gave a landscape architect instructions to design a plan without reference to this slope, which has a history of sliding.
GOOGLE EARTH SATELLITE PHOTO - circa 2004 This photo shows the evergreen trees only. It was taken in winter so the birch trees do not show up without their leaves.
GOOGLE EARTH SATELLITE PHOTO - August 2008. This photo shows bare dirt, virulent weeds and loss of trees. If another 35 trees were removed after the photo in the image below was taken, we may have even less to work with in 2009.

A blog discussing the Coquitlam Tree Cutting Permit Bylaw Review is at UBC Botanical Garden at http://www.ubcbotanicalgarden.org/forums/showthread.php?p=72939 or type diannebond ubc into a Google search.
In spite of our complaints, this stump was left at our front entrance for over 3 years - while other stumps were removed elsewhere - repeatedly.

Here it is on September 17, 2008, after it was finally removed.
This area was filled with bushes and greenery since 1988.
This is how it has looked for over 3 years - after all the greenery was torn out and the money for remedial landscaping was spent to build extra decks.

Nothing grew here for over 3 years except huge weeds until clover in the lower portion improved the street level view somewhat in the last part of 2008.
The clover (or chickweed) that cropped up in late 2008
looks better than the bare dirt. In fact, I kind of like it.

But the view from our entrance has looked like this for over 3 years.

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