Monday, January 26, 2009

How to Kill Trees and Plants

Step One

  • Steal from the Landscaping budget to keep strata fees low and still have money for special interests
  • Repeat annually
  • Ignore pest control and tree care
  • Prune and trim in high profile entrances; do the rest on a complaint basis
  • Respond to complaints by introducing slugs and root weevils into the centre of the complex and call it "doing a good job"
  • Weed control: a) apply chemicals to prevent plant germination; b) clear the ground with blowers c) use weed whackers d) smother and tear out ground cover until topsoil is gone
  • Cut the tops off most of the conifers to clear the view for upper units

  • Budget 16 hours for landscaping 5 and a half acres, and vilify owners who complain or warn of costly foreseeable damage

    Step Two

    1. Talk about "Landscaping Committees" that don't exist
    2. Destroy reports, ignore bylaws and contracts
    3. Ridicule dead and dying trees in the minutes with talk of "autopsies"
    4. Harass and defame owners who express concern
    5. Crush the roots of trees and plants under heavy weights
    6. Cut down the trees
    7. Ignore the water table, environment, and sensitive slope
    8. Hire unqualified relatives and let them tear out bushes and ground cover
    9. Let weeds go to seed, cut off their tops and strengthen their roots
    10. Divert special levy funds budgeted for landscaping into building extra decks
    11. Change the meaning of "improvement" to destruction
    12. Deprive owners and consultants of material factual data

    Last, but not least, simply cut down the trees. Forget about cost, law, and common sense, much less common courtesy. The developer's landscape architect planted 3 vine maple trees on the common property between 409 and 407 which were supposed to screen the view between 508'swindows and those of 409 and 510. The photo below shows the south tree in late fall before it was destroyed.
     This is how the windows look after the tree suddenly disappeared in mid-December 2013.
