The dandelions at our front door started going to seed 1 week after the first day of Spring - 5 years after the birch tree and shrubs were cut down in front of our strata lot for the building envelope project. Five years ago there were
no dandelions in front of our unit, and the maintenance of the common property around our unit was the worst in the complex. We want the dandelion roots removed and topsoil added in front of our unit like was done for others along the Lansdowne entranceway last year. The strata scraping the heads off all the dandelions a couple of month ago only seemed to make their roots grow stronger and deeper. We are opposed to the idea of covering up this slope with plastic sheeting and bark mulch instead of trees and grass or evergreen ground cover. Using bark mulch instead of trees and bushes would, in our opinion at least, be a very costly environmental disaster. Underground pipes and water mains keep breaking; our view is still ruined; our property value is significantly damaged, and the strata corporation is so destitute that the strata is once again planning to steal funds - rather than stop being willfully blind to the horrendous conflict issues involving Mr Mac. Please
make those responsible liable for the destruction which was deliberately caused, mostly
after the leaky condo work was already completed, including destroying shrubs and ground cover that would have grown back and an unconsionable number of trees. It is far greater than the $50,000 budgeted for landscaping reinstatement, which was more than adequate until certain members of council 1) violated the protective terms of the building envelope contract, 2) diverted the funds to building extra decks for a special interest group, and 3)
plotted to transfer special levy money from those who paid (us) into the pockets of new owners who did not (I quote from the attachment to the minutes of the meeting of March 23, 2010: "
We have a fund
specifically held for the
sole purpose of
leaky condo landscape remediation ...
$131,894." The special levy fund specifically held for the sole purpose of leaky condo landscape remediation was
$50,000. It was not $50,000 plus $31,894, plus whatever other costs, including 5 years without landscaping services. The special levy budget designated for the sole purpose of landscaping reinstatement was
spent on personal interest projects not contemplated during the special levy voting, including reconstructing extra decks which were illegally added to the common property for a privileged minority in violation of all kinds of laws. Landscaping remediation costs beyond the $50,000 designated in the special levy budget have nothing to do with the leaky condo project and everything to do with conflicts of interest and misconduct on the part of council members and strata managers. The radical changes to the landscaping that is seen when driving through the complex was
not approved, it was
not properly funded, and it was
not included in the special levy resolution. Describing such destruction as "improvements" in strata records is fraudulent, as is misrepresenting it as due to the leaky condo work.