Landscape Design
The resolution for the special levy and the minutes of strata meetings confirm that owners did not vote in favour of changing the use or appearance of the common property before the trees around Unit 409 were cut down. Quite the opposite.
Both the building envelope contract's explicit terms and the special levy the special levy budget provided for maximum preservation and reinstatement of the landscaping.
The special levy funds to reinstate the landscaping were diverted and spent reconstructing and permanently entrenching illegally added extra decks for a privileged minority, while the landscaping was devastated and left derelict for 5 years.
Original Landscape Design
Over 28o trees - and thousands of bushes
Planted on a 5-acre southern slope

The 1987-1989 Landscape Development Plans show over 280 trees, more than half of which were cut down around 2005/2006 and not replaced as of April 30, 2010.
Building # (Units) Deciduous+Conifers=Total Trees Planted
#1 (109, 111, 208, 210) 17+3=20 trees
# 2 (104, 106, 108, 110) 22+8=30 trees
# 3 (101, 103, 204, 206) 16+7=23 trees
# 4 (201, 203, 402, 404) 17+3=20 trees
# 5 (401, 403, 502, 504) 12+1=13 trees
# 6 (405, 407, 506, 508) 5+0=5 trees
# 7 (409, 411, 510, 512) 13+2=15 trees
# 8 (205, 207, 406, 408) 6+2=8 trees
# 9 (209, 211, 410, 412) 7+3=10 trees
# 10 (213, 215, 314, 316) 10+4=14 trees
# 11 (217, 219, 318, 320) 16+7=23 trees
# 12 (221, 223, 322, 324) 16+4=20 trees
# 13 (225, 227, 326, 328) 14+6=20 trees
# 14 (327, 329, 424, 426) 9+7=16 trees
# 15 (421, 423, 522, 524) 10+3=13 trees
# 16 (417, 419, 518, 520) 8+1=9 trees
# 17 (413, 415, 514, 516) 17+3=20 trees
TOTAL TREES: 217+64=281 TREES.
Most of the deciduous trees were birch and most, if not all, of the conifers were pine.
Many more trees than those listed above were planted; eg. The requisition for the 3 vine maples planted by the landscape architect between buildings 6 and 7 is in the strata records. (All of the fir trees from the firelane, down the steps to Lansdowne, were planted by our original neighbour in Unit 411. They were definitely not in the Landscape Architect's plan.) A few trees were planted by nature.
Landscape Development Plan (for Phase Two only) shows:
Qty., Botanical Name, Common Name, Size & Remarks
- 57 Acer Circinatum, Vine Maple, 3-3.5M high, min. 3 stems
- 9 Acer R. Red Sunset, Red Maple, 5 cm Cal.
- 84 Betula Papyrifera, Paper Birch, 3.5-4M high (ie. 11.5-13 ft), min. 3 stems
- 30 Pinus Nigra , Austrian Pine, 1.7-2M high
- 386 Cornus Stolonifera, Red Twig Dogwood, #1 pot @ 1.5M O.C.
- 200 Euonymus A ‘Compactus’, Dwarf Burning Bush, #1 pot @ 1.2 M O.C.
- 195 Osmanthus Delavayi, Delavayi Osmanthus , #2 pot @ 1.2 M O.C.
- 162 Rhododendron ‘Gomer Waterer’, White Rhododendron, #2 pot @ 1.2 M O.C.
- 235 Ribes s. ‘King Edward VII’, Flowering Current, #1 pot @ 1.5 M O.C.
- 65 Spiraea xB ‘Gold Flame’, Spiraea, #1 pot @ 1.2 M O.C.
- 210 Sambucas R. ‘Plumosa Aurea’, Golden Plume Elder, #1 pot @ 1.5 M O.C.
- 3750 Cotoneaster Dameri, Cottoneaster, 10 cm pot @ 60 cm
- 5430 Hypericum Calycinum, Rose of Sharon, 10 cm pot @ 45 cm
- 22 Clematis Armandi, Evergreen Clematis (to be located on site), #1 pot staked
Vines specified in plant list to be located on site by landscape architect ... Crushed limestone walkway not to exceed 10% slope, step as required using 6” x 6” treated timbers. Steps to be grouped. Walkway to be 1.2M wide.
Areas designated with ground cover planting, not exceeding 8% slope, may be planted with lawn upon approval of landscape architect. Minimum soil depth in lawn areas to be 15 cm (6 inches).
Landscape Development Plan (Stamped Received May 14, 1987)
Landscape Concept Plan (Stamped Received Jan 20, 1989)
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